What make us different
Since 1992 our mission has remained unchanged:
Advising our clients, aiming for the best performance of their investments in the financial markets, in accordance with their needs, diversifying their Assets according to their patrimonial and tax structures to serenely prepare their and their family’s future.
Our core values: Proximity, Transparence, Measured risks
We are enforcing to respect these engagements and values with our employees, clients & partners.
Close to the needs of our clients and employees
Close to the needs of our clients and employees
Transparence & Wisdom is our management.
Transparency: in our management, our reporting, and our fees.
Measured risks: Our Asset Management approach is collegial, supervised by a weekly management committee. Our multi-expertise team manages our clients’ assets with attentive appreciation of the market fluctuations.
Your benefits
Independent Asset Management company, flexible & dynamic
Highly professional & experienced team
High-end diversified offer
Dedicated attention to understand your individual demands.
Tailor-made conviction management
Strong experience in stock-picking
Stock investment (discretionary managed account) after having met the management of the companies in which we invest
An asset manager or a wealth manager dedicated to clients based on their individual needs
About us
MW Gestion is a French limited liability company with a capital of €360,000.
In September 1992, MW Gestion started its activities in Paris with a general accreditation of the AMF.
Since 2005, it is under the UCITS Directive.
MW Gestion is an independent financial asset management company of UCITS funds and discretionary mandates, specialized in shares and bonds investments approved by the AMF since 1992 under N°GP92014.

Orias Member N° 09051291
MW Gestion has also a “free provision of services” in Italy as well as in Luxembourg
MW Key figures
Paris - Milan - Luxembourg - Londres
Years of experience
Luxembourg funds
Asset Management Divisions