Discretionary management

To be able to offer our clients a financial management adapted to their profile and best suiting their interests, we offer discretionary management mandate and wealth management services.

En savoir plus

Our Discretionary Management Mandate is mainly used to invest our client’s financial liquidity by adopting different solutions with different tax regimes :

  • Securities Account
  • PEA (Plan Epargne Action) &/or PEA-PME (Plan Epargne to finance the Petites & Moyennes Entreprises)
  • Luxembourg life insurance contracts
  • In addition to this service and according to your profile and your needs, we have agreements with our partners to set up Lombard loans & bank advances.

Our Wealth Management & Family Office department has a more global approach, with the goal of assisting our clients in their tax optimization and to advise them in their project of transmission or succession.

We also offer a range of investment products, such as :

  • Capitalization Contracts
  • French & Luxembourg-based Life Insurance contracts
  • Real Estate in direct or through Real Estate Funds
  • Moreover, we also offer some tax optimization solutions on real estate investments, on non-quoted investments, or in the context of preparing your retirement (with the PER for example).

Wealth managementFamily office

Our management philosophy

Since 1992, MW Gestion has built a private clientele in France and abroad, thanks to its expertise in two main asset classes: equities and bonds. We manage over 400 clients with a rigorous process.

Depending on the type of account (PEA, life insurance, or securities account), we work with clients to define a risk profile that matches their expectations, using 6 management profiles based on 11 model portfolios (ranging from 0% to 100% equities). MW Gestion also offers the option of managing tactical account allocation through a “discretionary” mandate. In this case, MW Gestion decides the allocation based on the client's profile and his or her forecast of market movements.

Investments are made through investment vehicles chosen to accurately represent each exposure to the asset classes and subclasses of the model portfolios. For research, MW Gestion relies on a long-standing partner based in London to define these exposures. Management decisions are developed through a rigorous operational strategy, from order entry to portfolio management, with effective risk control at every stage.

Faithful to our convictions, we developed a coherent & constant approach. Helped by a London based financial investment advising structure, MW Gestion offers 6 funds adapted to these kind of wealth management.

Our both equity funds, MW Multi-Caps Europe & MW Actions Europe are fully invested in growth stocks within the framework of a long-term orientated stock picking strategy.

Our Bond Fund, MW Obligations Internationales has for objective to opportunely and dynamically catch the premium risk (Rate risk & Credit risk). Mainly invested in investment grade bonds of the most solid rated companies, to avoid any payment defaults.

The MW Patrimoine fund is a hybrid (Bonds & Stock equities) fund sharing the same DNA as MW Obligations internationales on the bond part with a flexible allocation (from 0 to 50%) on stock equity.

Wealth management
A proximity management

Your wealth manager will define with you the investment strategy as well as the level of risk adapted to your expectations to grow your assets. You can contact your wealth manager directly to discuss portfolio transactions, your investment strategy or asset allocation.

An offer tailored to your investor profile


The objective of this type of management is to obtain a significant growth of the assets, without imposing constraints on the distribution of your financial assets, particularly between stocks and interest rate products. The exposure to each of these Asset classes may represent between 0 and 100% of the portfolio (particularly in equities) according to the expectations of the wealth manager.

The recommended investment horizon is 5 years.


he goal is to achieve a significant growth of the assets, investing mainly in the equity markets (stocks) – As an average, it can represent more than 60% of the investment value.

The recommended investment horizon is 5 years, considering the uncertainties linked to the evolution of the stock markets.


The main goal is to ensure a steady growth of the capital by investing equally in equities and interest rate products.

The recommended investment horizon is a minimum of 3 years.


The goal is to seek the best profitability with a high level of security. Assets are mainly invested in interest rate products, without excluding equities on an ancillary basis (it can represent up to 30% of the investment value).

The recommended investment horizon is at least 2 years.


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